
The turns of the coil are bonded together by an adhesive

There are  types of potentiometers
that are used commonly: wire wound, carbon film and plastic film potentiometers. All these have been described below:
 Wire wound potentiometers: This potentiometer comprises of several rounds of wire wound around the shaft of the non-conducting material. The turns of the coil are bonded together by an adhesive. In this case the slider, connected to the body whose displacement is to be measured, moves on the potentiometer track and it makes contacts with successive turns of the coil. In this case the wire between the two successive turns is not covered by the slider, which limits the resolution of the wire wound potentiometers. However, the larger the number of turns of the coil, more is the resolution of the coil. The resolution is measured as the reciprocal of the number of turns of the coil. This devise has low noise and is mechanically rough and tough.

